One of things I love about my apartment is two glass-front cabinets that separate the kitchen from the dining area (which I turned into my
office). They are the perfect storage place for all the beautiful glassware my husband and I received as wedding presents. A few days ago an idea just popped into my head. The glassware is so pretty, but it sort of blends in to the cabinet since it's clear. What if I painted the back of the cabinets the same robin's egg blue (actual name of the color) that my office is painted? I thought it would show off the glassware nicely and add a spot of color to that part of the room. Here's the photo diary of my project:
Before through the glass door. |
See how the glasses are barely visible? |
First I taped the shelves with painters tape and newsprint. I didn't bother doing the undersides of the shelves, because you can't really see those edges and I have a fairly neat painting hand. |
I gathered my tools. The paint, leftover from last September when we painted the office room in the apartment, a stir stick (also leftover), a paint can opener, a paintbrush - new (I left our old one in Ojai when I painted my desk white in December, oops), a rag for catching drips, which I didn't end up using, and more painters tape. |
Painting in goes on so much lighter than it dries! |
Paint drying. |
Once it had thoroughly dried, I removed the tape and paper carefully. Not all the edges are perfect, but that's okay by me. |
With the glassware added back in. I think it looks much better, don't you? |
The finished project through the cabinet door. Pretty! |
very pretty!