Thursday, July 1, 2010

Videos: My corner clutter

Even professional organizers have stuff they don't need in their homes. I went through my bookshelves a while back and have been steadily adding to a pile near the door other items that are no longer useful to me. Unfortunately, the pile is still there after several weeks.

Solution: Today, I'm taking the books to my local used bookstore and turning them in for credit. Any that they don't want, I will take to my nearest Goodwill drop of location along with the clothes and household items. I'll be sure to get a receipt that I can use if I decide to deduct to my donations on my taxes next year. That's it - two stops and I'll have my corner back, some books credit and a tax write-off. If I can do it, you can, too!

Lelah Baker-Rabe is a Los Angeles-based professional organizer. To discuss your organizing needs, call her at 818.269.6671 or email 

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