Monday, November 28, 2011

Review: Good to Great

I finally made time to read Good to Great, the modern business classic by Jim Collins. My NAPO-LA book group made it our November pick, and we're discussing it this evening. Though I had trouble getting into it, once I got to the second or third chapter I found the arguments compelling and the anecdotes inspiring. I really liked the tone of the book and the message that we can go from good to great in any area of life, from business to personal goals to family life. Have you read it? What did you think?

Here's one of my favorite quotes: 
“I believe it is no harder to build something great than to build something good. It might be statistically more rare to reach greatness, but it does not require more suffering than perpetuating mediocrity. Indeed, if some of the comparison companies in our study are any indication, it involves less suffering, and perhaps even less work. The beauty and power of the research findings is that they can radically simplify our lives while increasing our effectiveness. There is a great solaces in the simple fact of clarity--about what is vital, and what is not.

If we organized the majority of our work time around applying these principles and pretty much ignored or stopped doing everything else, out lives would be simpler and our results vastly improved.”
Go from good to great with a professional organizer.
Call Lelah at 818.269.6671
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  1. Thanks for posting this! I've always been curious to read this book, and now I think I definitely will.

  2. It's on my reading list. Maybe I should bump it up a few notches. Interesting that your NAPO Chapter has a book club.

  3. I definitely think it's worth reading. I started an informal book group for NAPO-LA about six months far it's going well!

  4. I agree. This book is really powerful. I blogged about it
